After 3 years years living in Tantor the VW campervan I felt a little constrained by the 30+ year old 2 wheel drive rig and was looking for something a little more off road capable. While traveling in New Zealand I found a used Toyota Tacoma 4×4 for sale in Colorado. My brother bought it for me the next day and I flew back to build a custom home in the bed canopy and adventured the Southwest for the summer. The next year I was in Spain and found a used slide in pop up truck camper for sale in New York, so I booked a flight home, bought it, and spent a frozen winter renovating the camper in Indiana. That spring I drove as far north as possible to the Arctic Ocean in Alaska and still have PanAmerican dreams bouncing around in my head. The Tacoma and slide in camper are a great North American warm weather base.